About Us

Larry McPherson

Larry founded West Coast Horticultural Services (WCHS) in 1984 and has been servicing satisfied clients ever since. Though the focus is on landscape maintenance, WCHS has done successful installations, consulting and landscape upgrades focusing on commercial sites, rental units and strata title complexes. Larry has both a keen aesthetic sense and the experience to wisely plant your landscape for the long term. One of our favourite stories is a client who had a property that had been on the market for months. He asked Larry to fix the landscape. Larry changed the landscape and the property sold the following weekend.

WCHS accomplishments include British Columbia Landscape & Nursery Association (BCLNA) landscape awards for both single family dwellings and multiple residences. When the BCLNA had their first testing for Certified Landscape Technicians, Larry was asked to be a judge. He declined to be a judge, preferring to take the test, which he passed becoming one of the first nine technicians in Canada, quite an achievement considering the 60% failure rate.

About Our Team

WCHS believes in the team approach. Currently three trucks with crews of two and three service properties. There is a supervisor with each crew to facilitate communication with on-site personnel and residents. After a visit to your site, the supervisor will leave a report form detailing the work done. A copy of this form would be included with your estimate.

West Coast Horticultural Services as a responsible member of the business community has liability insurance and its employees are covered by both Workers Compensation and private insurance benefits. Further, West Coast Horticultural Services maintains accurate records for the Receiver General for both Income Tax and GST purposes.


British Columbia Landscape and Nursery Association

West Coast Horticultural Services has been a member for over 20 years. The British Columbia Landscape and Nursery Association (BCLNA) serves to elevate the professionalism of the landscape industry. Larry has served on national committees representing the BCLNA.


About Our Community Commitment

West Coast Horticultural Services has donated labour to maintain the Ronald McDonald House, various churches and a retreat site on Keats Island dedicated to building families, Barnabas Family Ministries.